
Golf Fitness

Golf Fitness Overview

Add distance. Improve consistency. Lower scores.

The areas most certified and advanced Golf Fitness provider can help strengthen your body, boost endurance and shave strokes off your game. Not sure what you need? Start with a short, simple 16-point screening that identifies limitations of the body in the golf swing. This is the blueprint to your body becoming one that can physically handle the demands of your golf swing. How do YOU want to improve your game?

golf fitness

Strength, mobility & Agility

Your golf swing is limited by your body’s capabilities. Golf fitness is all about getting your body to handle the demands of your golf swing. Reduce fatigue, gain distance and improve consistency. All this leads to playing better golf for a longer period of time.

“I CAN ALREADY FEEL THE BENEFITS… considerably less lower back pain… i am almost a full club longer”

Larry W.

Golf power training

Distance = Power.

power = Speed + Strength

Golf Power Training has a single purpose, to hit the ball further off the tee. Learn the technical, physical and equipment modifications, as well as the simple steps to increase overall power and distance off the tee.

“The length i’ve gained off the tee has changed the way I play. Im (nearly 70years) old, I’ve gained 16mph of club Head speed. I’m hitting the ball further and finding more fairways than ever before.”

-Tom H.

Golf Analytics

Be precise & trust your game

Data leads to better play. Don’t guess, get the numbers that show the strengths and weaknesses in your game. Improving starts with the most basic data. Know your numbers (distance, carry, spin, trajectory and more).

“it’s pretty clear, this will instantly help your game… now when i’m playing and have a distance in to the green, I trust my club.”

- Sam N.

Titleist Performance Institute

tour quality instruction for all levels and abilities

Educated at the Titleist Performance Institute, the world’s foremost leader in golf fitness, PFT uses a holistic approach to training to get your game to the highest level. TPI Certification gives golfers the trust they deserve from the professionals teaching them.

“As a Fitness professional, TPI gives me the knowledge and tools to help players get physically fit to play their best golf.”

-Mark Helscher
(owner/Trainer, PFT)

Don’t see what your looking for? PFT takes pride in customizing programming, packages, and services for clients with specific goals and tasks.